Monday, April 30, 2012

What a weekend!

This weekend was a good one. Lots of time with the friends & Family. Friday night after i picked Bella up from daycare we headed home to hang out make home made pizzas and just chill i knew Saturday was going to be a busy one so we were just going to lay low on Friday night.

Shes a great pizza maker!
Loves to help mommy in the kitchen.
Saturday morning we slept in-( 8am is sleeping in when you have toddlers people!). Then we woke up and made breakfast and hung around the house ALL morning long. Around noon Bella was off to her dads for the evening and i was heading to Bloomington for a night a wedding and a night at a hotel with the best friends. The wedding was absolutely gorgeous and we had a wonderful time!
Kalyn,Sara & myself!               

Sunday at noon i picked Bella up from her dads and it was right home from nap time. After nap is was to my parents for Sunday dinner. We have Sunday dinner together every weekend sometimes its at my house, my parents house or my grandparents house it just depends. AND the best part of Sunday dinner is Sweat pants are acceptable form of clothing :) The other good thing about Sunday dinner is it varies in food from good ole home cooked meals to things like KFC (which we may or may not of had last night!)
Bella,Grandma  & Hannah cuddling in the Grandpas chair!
After Sunday dinner we headed home from baths,books and bedtime. Bella insisted on taking a bath with mom last night. Who could resits a nice warm bath with lots of giggled from their two year old? After getting out we snuggled and read books and it was off to bed for her. After mommy enjoyed an hour of uniterrupted television thank you army wives!

So fresh and Clean!
Such a fun and BUSY weekend we had together!This week ahead the weather is supposed to be GORGEOUS! I am so ready for nice weather consistently. I don't particularly like playing the guessing game with mother nature every morning when i am getting Bella ready! So how was everyone else's weekend? Do anything spectacular?

Friday, April 27, 2012

Iphone photo dump fridays!

Every Friday i will run through my phone and see what awesome (random) photos i have taken this week. Of course most of them will be of Bella but you never know i might sneak in there :)

Before leaving for daycare friday morning. she stand by this wall EVERY single time i  want to take her picture. She refuses to let me take her picture anywhere else in the house :)

Watching Hannah's softball game. She loves to watch softball!

Her favorite person in the whole wide world. If Hannah is around everyone is out including mom. Love the bond they have together :)

Celebrating Grandmas Birthday

Dance Class

She picked her tutu out she just HAD to wear it and kept reminding me that it was in her bag to wear!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

a good for the soal kind of evening!

Yesterday was my moms birthday. therefore as we do we celebrated with family. However it was an EXTRA special day because my best friend is home this weekend from Tennessee for a wedding that we will be going to this weekend double YAY! for a night out Saturday night with high school friends. Any way back to my moms birthday. We had the family over for a night of steaks,wine and of course dairy queen ice cream cake. Lots of hanging out side grilling out and enjoying the deck! (I wish the weather would make up its  mind 80* one day and then 67* the next day isn't cutting it for me!) Lets just say that since everyone was SO excited for the bestie Sara to be in town it was a great night. Also Sara's cousin Maria is about to POP ANY DAY now people. we really wanted baby BEAU to make his appearance yesterday for two reasons 1. its my moms birthday and our family's are close 2. Sara is home and wants to meet the little guy so to Beau get to moving and grooving buddy we want you to for sure come before Sunday when Sara has to go back home!! Last was amazing good time with family and friends. Tonight brings dance class for miss B. I mean what is better than a bunch of 2 year olds running around in tutus for a Thursday evening :)

Bella and Grandma. (Someone snuck in to the cake early)

Best friends and born 14 days a part!

Come on baby Beau we want to meet you!

Uhmm here goes nothing :)

The dreaded first post! I have been on blogger for awhile (Almost a year) but i have just been reading and not blogging. I wanted to take some tips from all you professionals out there :) I love to read about all of the blogs and decided it was time to post one myself. I am a 20 something corn field living caring fun and love to spend time with friends and family. i work full time as an assistant office manager for a large apartment company and have worked here since 2006 i love my job. By night i am a single mother to a beautiful 2 year old baby girl who is my mini me! we love to travel and love watching her learn new things.So for all of you proffesionals out there tell me wheres the best place and( i'm frugal) to get a custom blog design at?!? Cant wait to continue on with the blog world and make it Bella's new baby book because lord knows here mama is not good at a paper one :)

Bella Kae!
Me and the love of my life!